Héctor Vargas Vs El Universo: “¿Democracia, Amirite?”
Hoy, nuestro héroe se encuentra en una tórrida guerra de censura entre él y el pueblo estadounidense contra el gobierno. También se encuentra atrapado en un estilo artístico de un cómic web chiíta que existe desde hace casi 20 años... jajaja hola chicos si ven esto;) juguemos a la pelota mientras continuamos en esta aventura, versión sin censura a continuación:
Today our hero finds herself in a pretty silly and far too real situation, one political party has got it in their heads that the taxes that WE ALL PAY...
Today our hero finds herself in a pretty silly and far too real situation, one political party has got it in their heads that the taxes that WE ALL PAY...
Today, our hero finds herself starting a new semester at the University of Colorado Boulder eager and excited to learn about her major Political Science, only to find that politics...
Today, our hero finds herself starting a new semester at the University of Colorado Boulder eager and excited to learn about her major Political Science, only to find that politics...
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