Late Night Mood By Hector Vargas

First webcomic in hopefully a long series. I have a few comics drawn out but i wanted to get some practice in and this felt like a really perfect first! i know the art will be improving but keep coming back every night for a new post every day possibly ;) i drew this last night but learning how to paint and draw in these programs has been a challenge lol but this is my way of sending you a virtual hug!

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i'm figuring out how to be more efficient as i prepare for the Worlds Greatest Llc Studios first music video for our first signed artist Hector Vargas. He is also working on new music and some NSFW videos for pornhub if any one is interested in subscribing to our newsletter to find out more on those in the future. For now enjoy tonights mood and have a happy / safe weekend. Hector Vargas 11:33 pm 8/9/2021


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