Heather Vargas Vs The Universe: Misses Grinch

Today our hero finds herself a resident not exactly in one of the greatest imaginary cities of the world but outside of it as who down Whoville. Actually I don’t believe she’s a who quiet yet as her migratory papers haven’t gone through yet or something but she is in fact a mean ol’ nasty grinch. Come with us as we find the true meaning of Christmas and fight for our right to live with and celebrate Christmas with the who’s down in Whoville. Now that I think about it I think she is a Who but chooses not to participate in or practice whodiasm and celebrates something else in her own way. Regardless it’s the most wonderful time indeed as we get a sneak peak into the day to day life Heather Vargas our beautiful mean ol’ nasty GRINCH. Clearly she’s upset with the capitalistic disregard of the holiday as people are throwing away trash rather than stay sustainable and continue to consume while ignoring the problem they’re creating in their big fancy jets. Is she wrong though? Can she save the world? Those donations were being used to secretly fund genocide BY THE WAY. Just kidding but probably not though… Hey does anyone like music numbers? This comic is interactive just play your favorite rendition of You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch and instead of Mister says Misses! It’s that easy! You can even pretend you read monster instead of mean one! Anywho. Will she survive? Will she get caught? What is who jail like? Are there better ways to fight the injustices of the world? Find out next time on Heather Vargas VS The Universe!
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